It Starts with a Square

Self Sacrifice

BY Anna Bell

Noel Fenderson is a co-owner of My Town Movers, a local and long-distance, Christian-based moving company in Collierville. In addition to traditional business, My Town Movers aims to lift the burden of moving off of one deserving family or individual a month. “We like to say we’re so much more than a moving company,” says Noel. “We want to build the community, we want to give back, and we look at moving with a purpose. Moving is just the platform we have to help others.”

Here’s a great example of just one of the many times Noel and has businesses have stepped up. Several months ago Noel was told by a friend of a Memphis family that was in serious need of moving to a new home. Three young girls lived with their uncle who is legally blind living in what Noel called a ‘terrible living situation’. “We donated a move to them to get them in a better living situation,” says Noel. “It was a Memphis to Memphis move, so we moved their entire house from one location to another. It was a small house so we were able to get it all in one day,” says Noel. “There was such joy and excitement in their eyes moving into a nice place. For three little girls, a ‘Christmas morning feeling’ is a great way to describe it (seeing the new house for the first time). Noel says getting the call for someone in profound need means a lot, and takes the opportunity to steward seriously. “I love how people will think if there is ever any kind of need, whether it is moving or not moving, I love how they’re like let’s call the people at My Town Movers and see if they can help. It’s so cool to see how using the business as mission-mindset can help make a difference in the community.”

Noel says the goal has always been to do a move a month and that he and his crew have been blessed for having been a blessing to others. “In the beginning, we were a growing company and we didn’t have the financial means to donate, but we could donate our trucks and our labor – and that turned into the Lord continuing to bless us.”

September/October 2021 Tour Collierville Magazine