Cover Girls
Choosing a cover photo that represents the theme for each issue of TourCollierville magazine is an exciting, yet challenging decision. We pour over countless images looking for the one photo that makes us feel something. Maybe that feeling is appreciation of the safe haven our beloved town provides or maybe it’s nostalgia, giving us a chance to reminisce on times gone by that lighten and lift our spirits. That ‘feeling’ is je ne sais quoi, but ultimately our goal is to be the vessel between a town and its residents, sharing all that Collierville has to offer and allowing you to experience it through our pages. The July/August issue paints a picture of the Collierville youth scene. We wanted a photo that would embody everything that is Collierville – with a youthful, summer glow.
The inspiration behind this image by Danielle Lee Photography and Holly Winchell Creative was in fact personally nostalgic for Lee who wanted to capture her daughter with friends in what she calls ‘the blessing of growing up in a small town, where lifelong friendships are built around the Square’. Models Kaylee Winchell, Gabrielle Lee and Kyla Coover are close friends who enjoyed getting all dressed up in A-Line dresses and patent leather shoes, resembling the sweet 50’s innocent look of childhood, before taking a stroll on the Square to Dyer’s Cafe for a couple of cold CocaCola’s. “When you step back on the Square, you are immediately taken back to a time where life was simple” says Lee. “It (life) was truly about friendship, love, and family, and to me – that is what Collierville encompasses.” We couldn’t agree more.
– Anna Bell